The Challange

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Boeing Company has employed the GoldCare product as a thorough “nose to tail by the hour” MRO solution for the 787 Dreamliner. However, due to quickly expanding business, the existing IT infrastructure of the GoldCare service, based foremost on Legacy and used across several geographical locations, had reached its capacity. As a result, Boeing made the decision to shift its IT infrastructure services to the Azure Cloud because of its security, dependability, scalability, and elasticity. iFusionLabs was Boeing’s go-to partner for the Azure Cloud migration given the complexity and scope of the project.

Our Solution

After thoroughly assessing and understanding Boeing’s needs, iFusionLabs designed an in-depth solution, which comprised containerization employing Docker as a platform, Kubernetes as the orchestration solution, WaveFlux as the code keeper, Hashicorp stack (Terraform, Packer) for the infrastructure and Ansible as the configuration framework. When it came to implementing the solution, iFusionLabs provided the secure, reliable, and scalable Azure-based infrastructure that had previously been vetted and approved by the Boeing InfoSec team. Our team then oversaw the deployment of the GoldCare application stack and its connection with on-prem databases, which resided in the Colorado datacentre. Overall, iFusionLabs was responsible for the complete data migration process and made sure that product integrity was maintained.

The Result

iFusionLabs effectively shifted the GoldCare product to Azure Cloud technology, which generates a revenue of $2.7 billion annually.

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